Seyfarth Synopsis: Headlining the employment-related bills that passed the May 27, 2022, House of Origin Deadline is AB 85, which extended COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave to September of this year, as well as bills related to accommodations, leaves, retaliation, and workers’ compen
Retail chains and shopping malls have struggled mightily in recent years, leading to tons of vacant space and shuttered storefronts. But among all of those struggles, there are still customers that prefer shopping in stores over shopping online. And all of that vacant mall space could present
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Caitlin Bowman told the Commission she and her husband had endured many complications with the construction of a new metal garage.
"This property was beautiful and no one told us we couldn't build a house there," said Douglas Spencer.
The dream was to live year-round on the water in a spacious four-season floating cottage untethered to the land, travelling the waves whenever the whim and winds beckoned. Photo Courtesy of Live Outside The Box
Some people dream about castles in the air.
Joe Nimens dreamt about a
The North Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) has approved 16 grant requests to local governments totaling $3,938,829, Governor Roy Cooper announced today. The requests include commitments to create a total of 472 jobs, 137 of which were previously announced. The public investment in
Saucon Source (
State Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-18) announced last week that six affordable housing projects in the 18th Senatorial District have been approved for up to $1,021,221 in f
Afro-Brazilian troupe Banda Alegria of the Brazilian Cultural Arts Center of Santa Barbara performs during the second Santa Ynez Valley Juneteenth celebration held in 2021 at Solvang Park. The event will return to the park this Saturday with more live entertainment and a full Southern-style me
With the gradual reopening of the Chinese economy, following a months-long shutdown in Shanghai, which underwent a full lockdown to quell the rising number of positive Covid cases there, the impact on global supply chains remains open-ended, with some industry stakeholders maintaining it
By Jacob Thorburn For Mailonline
Published: 16:38 BST, 11 June 2022 | Updated: 16:38 BST, 11 June 2022
A British family will move into their dream home tucked away in the lush Colombian mountains after building it entirely from shipping containers for £52,000.
<Cargo ships waiting to unload at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach California could keep some of America’s store shelves bare for a while. These two ports handle the bulk of cargo coming from China. Cargo keeps coming from China, making the congestion craziness only worse. The dozen